The Master of Divinity is designed for men who seek standard preparation of a seminary-level education to prepare them to serve the Lord as a pastor, missionary, youth or assistant pastor, or for those who desire a camp ministry, campus ministry, Bible teaching, Bible literature work, or any other area of local church responsibility which is focused on communication of the Word of God. Maranatha Baptist Seminary’s Master of Divinity is approved for chaplain training by the Department of Defense.

Choose to Specialize

The core of this traditional 96-hour program includes a solid foundation of biblical languages, church history, pastoral theology, biblical studies, and theological studies. Then, if you desire, specialize in one of the following areas: Biblical Counseling, Biblical Languages, Intercultural Studies,  New Testament, Old Testament, Pastoral Theology, or Theology.

Do you desire to be a wise counselor? Are you in full-time ministry, or perhaps a different vocation, but want to be a more effective communicator of biblical counsel for those struggling with sin? If so, consider the Seminary’s Master of Biblical Counseling degree. The curriculum includes practical courses in topics such as crisis counseling and addictive behavior, while providing a solid foundation of biblical and theological courses from which to build practical applications.




Marriage and Family Counseling


Biblical Languages


Exegesis and Exposition


Discipleship and Mentoring


Holy Land Tour


Apologetics and Worldview



Many classes in the Master of Divinity are offered via online or virtual classes.


Look into the option of finishing your MDiv through our Church Site program.



This program seeks to prepare students to do the following:


  • To articulate and apply biblical and secular models of leadership to ministry context.
  • To effectively communicate God’s Word in both an interactive teaching venue and a public preaching setting.
  • To effectively plan, organize, and deploy gospel outreach and discipleship ministry programs for a typical small, medium, or large congregation.
  • To display essential skills and knowledge of pastoral leadership and preaching through the production of an integrated project that includes a motivational sermon(s), a formal article, and a practical outline of a proposed program that would seek to address an issue, problem, or opportunity for improvement common to a typical Baptist church.
  • A minimum of 96 semester hours of approved credit must be completed for the Master of Divinity degree.
  •  A Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from an approved institution must be held by
  • No more than 48 semester hours of graduate credit from another institution may be applied toward this degree.
  • A grade point average of 2.5 or better must be earned.
  • As a program designed to prepare pastors and consistent with biblical teachings on the qualifications for pastors, this program is only open to male applicants. Female students are encouraged to pursue one of the Master of Arts programs.
  • Applicants may be required to make up deficiencies without credit in any of the departments at the discretion of the Academic Senate.
  • Look into the option of finishing your MDiv through our Church Site program.



The time we spent at Maranatha was one of the most valuable times of our lives. Not only did we receive excellent instruction and great resources, but our professors encouraged us to think through issues. We built friendships with many of our teachers and could reach out to any of them today, confident they would take time to respond. There’s a passion both for ministry and excellent theological training at Maranatha.

Chip Herbert, MDiv, 2013
Sara (Pill) Herbert, MA in Biblical Counseling, 2013


Seminary training at Maranatha empowered me to think biblically, write succinctly, speak persuasively, and live sincerely. In my experience, there is not better way to prepare for impacting the world through informed Great Commission living than attending Maranatha Baptist Seminary.

Jon Rehfeldt, MA in Biblical Studies, 2008, and Master of Divinity, 2011


The style of the MBS classes also made it simple to fit in schoolwork with other responsibilities of life. I never felt like my classes were controlling my time beyond what was reasonable. This was mainly a credit to the attitude of the professors, who were always willing to work with potential ministry conflicts.

Caleb Farmer, MA in Biblical Counseling, 2017
