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Make it Maranatha 

Maranatha Baptist University offers a wide variety of opportunities to develop leaders in fields such as nursing, business, and the arts. At MBU, we desire to point you toward spiritual growth while helping you develop the skills you need for the future. We want you to find success doing what you love, and we’re excited for the opportunity to help you achieve it. 

The Admissions Committee & Applicant Evaluation

Maranatha Baptist University exists to develop leaders for local church ministry and the world. The Admissions Committee will evaluate the following factors when making an admissions decision to the college:

  • Clear salvation testimony of personal salvation in Jesus Christ
  • Development of biblical character traits as identified in your essay and character references
  • Faithful attendance at a Bible preaching church
  • A desire to learn in a God-honoring environment
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Evidence of an academic foundation necessary for collegiate success. 


The ACT Code for Maranatha is 4604

Maranatha does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, physical disability, ancestry, or national origin. The commitment not to discriminate in the University’s services, education programs, or employment practices extends to all applicants for admissions and employment, as required by Title IX and applicable law. Some programs maintain additional requirements for program acceptance. Where applicable, those standards are clearly stated and published. All concerns relating to discrimination can be directed to: Title IX Coordinator, 745 West Main Street, Watertown, WI 53094 (920-206-2305), or to

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Now Accepting Applications

View the Admissions Process


How does Maranatha determine a student’s eligibility for admission?

Salvation testimony, Grades, ACT scores, character references – it’s a composite of all these things that makes a student eligible for admission.

How long does the admissions process take?

The committee meets on a regular basis to determine eligible students, so it all depends on how quickly you submit your application—and how quickly your references return their paperwork. If your application and reference paperwork have been properly filled out and submitted, your admissions process should take just a couple weeks.

How will I know I’ve been accepted to Maranatha?

You will be contacted by Maranatha if you have been accepted. You will receive an official acceptance letter by mail and an email (if we have your email address). However, that means you must first apply and send in all the necessary paperwork.

What do I do after I’ve been accepted to Maranatha?

Return your confirmation form with $175 non-refundable deposit, so you will be able to register for classes when registration opens. Send your medical forms to the admissions office. It is important that your admission file be completed before the start of classes. It is possible to be accepted as a student, register for classes, and still not have a complete file.

What is a complete file?

A complete file has fulfilled the following criteria:

  • Following the completion of high school, your official final high school transcript has been mailed directly from your school to the admissions office. (No fax copies.) An official high school transcript contains all high school courses with final grades, graduation date and signature of school official or school seal.
  • Confirmation form has been signed by you and returned to the admissions office.
  • Non-refundable $175 deposit has been paid.
  • Your medical forms have been received by the admissions office. Be sure you have included your medical history with immunization record. If you intend to try out for one of the NCAA teams, you must have a physical examination within 6 months of the start of pre-season.
When should my admission file be completed?
Your file should be complete before you arrive on campus at the beginning of the semester. Ideally, your file should be complete one month prior to the start of the semester.
What happens if my file is not complete before the start of classes?
An applicant with an incomplete file may be allowed to temporarily enroll as non-admitted student. This status allows you to participate in the new student seminars and begin classes. Class attendance will be suspended if the file is not completed in a timely manner.
How does an incomplete file affect sports participation?
If you have an incomplete admissions file at the start of the semester, you are considered a non-admitted student. NCAA regulations allow you to practice with the team but you will not be able to play in any game until you are an admitted student. Note: Pre-season athletes will not be allowed to practice without completed medical history and physical examination forms on file.
How does an incomplete file affect my financial aid?
According to federal regulations, any student receiving federal financial aid must be enrolled in an eligible degree program. To be considered enrolled, you must have a completed admissions file, be registered for classes, and have a declared major. Until these steps are completed, you are not considered officially enrolled in an academic program. You may apply for financial aid before these steps are complete, but no money will be disbursed until you meet these requirements and attend class.
When and where can I buy my books?
When you have received a copy of your schedule from the registrar’s office you may buy your textbooks. Textbooks are available through the online bookstore; the fall book list is posted early in August. No textbooks are sold on campus.
How much does Maranatha cost?
See the basic cost and complete Schedule of Fees.
How many are in a dorm room?
Typically, four students are in a room.
Will my credits transfer?

If you’d like to transfer credits to Maranatha, feel free to use our Transfer Worksheet option. The Registrar’s Office can estimate how many of your credits will transfer here to help you make an informed decision about your future. There is a limit to the number of credits you can transfer.

Because Maranatha is regionally accredited, we are recognized as an academically credible institution by other colleges, including private and state colleges and graduate programs. In general, credits from Maranatha will transfer, but you will need to check with the Registrar’s of the school to which you are transferring to make sure your Maranatha courses will apply toward a specific course in that program.

Maranatha does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
color, age, physical disability, ancestry, or national origin. The commitment not to
discriminate in the University’s services, education programs, or employment
practices extends to all applicants for admissions and employment, as required by
Title IX and applicable law. Some programs maintain additional requirements for
program acceptance. Where applicable, those standards are clearly stated and
All concerns relating to discrimination can be directed to: Title IX Coordinator, 745
West Main Street, Watertown, WI 53094 (920-206-2305), or to