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Overview | Biochemistry

If you are fascinated by how molecules in living organisms work together to sustain life or your goal is to serve others by identifying cures for diseases such as cancer, a degree in Biochemistry is for you.

Maranatha’s Biochemistry degree will provide you the knowledge and laboratory skills to discover and understand the incredible world of molecular interactions that occur constantly within living organisms.


Program Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to comprehensively explain concepts and issues in biochemistry.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to design experiments to test original hypotheses using appropriate laboratory or field procedures.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to apply science and mathematics in the analysis and interpretation of data from lab experiments.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to present scientific research and critical analysis in oral presentations and technical writing.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to use scientific knowledge to declare the glory of the Creator as revealed in the Bible and His creation.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to function as a servant leader in a team environment.

Suggested Course Schedule

Semester 1

General Biology 1 (4)
General Chemistry 1 (4)
Old Testament Survey (3)
English Composition 1 (3)
Music Elective (2)

Total Credits: 16

Semester 2

General Biology 2 (4)
General Chemistry 2 (4)
New Testament Survey (3)
English Composition 2 (3)
Fundamentals of Public Speaking (2)

Total Credits: 16

Semester 1

Organic Chemistry 1 (4)
General Physics 1 (4)
Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism (3)
Modern Creationary Thought (3)
Literature Elective (3)

Total Credits: 17

Semester 2

Organic Chemistry 2 (4)
General Physics 2 (4)
Baptist Heritage (3)
Humanities Elective (3)
American Studies Elective (3)

Total Credits: 17

Semester 1

Physical Chemistry (4)
Biochemistry 1 (4)
Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 (3)
The Modern World (3)

Total Credits: 14

Semester 2

Biochemistry 2 (4)
Science Elective (4)
Calculus 1 (5)
Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 (3)

Total Credits: 16


Semester 1

Cell and Molecular Biology 1 (3)
Analytical Chemistry (5)
Calculus 2 (5)
Senior Science Capstone Plan (2)
Bible Elective (3)

Total Credits: 18

Semester 2

Cell and Molecular Biology 2 (3)
Science Elective (4)
Senior Science Capstone Project (2)
Apologetics (2)
Humanities Elective (3)

Total Credits: 14

Alumni Spotlight

Tori Morris (‘19)
Tori Morris (‘19) graduated with a BS in Biochemistry. After graduating, she moved to Galveston, TX to attend the University of Texas Medical Branch. Upon completion, she will receive a PhD in Human Pathophysiology and Translational Medicine. While transitioning to grad school was challenging, she found that MBU had provided the scientific foundation and internship opportunities she needed. Tori appreciates the way professors challenged her in all areas of life—personal, professional, and spiritual.

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Potential Career Fields

Medical Researcher
Forensic Scientist
Analytical Chemist
Athletic trainer
Physical therapist

*Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees,
specialized training, or addtional certification and licenses.

MBU Program Faculty

Mr. Timothy Meier

Department of Applied Science | Professor

MA in Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
MS in Microbiology, Clemson University, Clemson SC
BS, Bob Jones University, Greenville SC

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