SEMU 334 – Vocal Pedagogy (3)
A study of philosophies, principles, and strategies of music teaching. Theoretical and practical performance concepts/skills are presented. Methods and literature are evaluated. (3 credit hours)
SEMU 416 – Instrumental Classroom Methods, Technology, and Assessment (3)
Includes aptitude and achievement testing, curricular methods and materials, computer and technology applications, scheduling procedures, course structures, contest/festival preparations, rehearsal and classroom planning, and equipment procurement and maintenance. To be taken by Music Education majors in coordination with SEMU 418. (3 credit hours)
SEMU 417 – Choral Classroom Methods and Assessment (3)
Includes aptitude and achievement testing, curricular methods and materials, basic vocal production, computer applications, scheduling procedures, course structures, contest/festival preparations, and rehearsal and classroom planning. To be taken by Music Education majors in coordination with SEMU 418. (3 credit hours)
SEMU 418 – Music Program Administration (2)
This course addresses the role of the music education program administrator in the public or Christian school. Topics include curriculum development, including philosophy/advocacy, mission statement, conceptual/theoretical framework, program aims/outcomes, classroom goals & objectives, assessment procedures, unit & lesson planning, and enrichment program development. Meets 3 days a week. Prerequisites: Admission into the teacher education program. (2 credit hours)