Our Services

The Costume Cottage is an extension of Maranatha Baptist University, providing costume rentals for local productions. Our costumes range in size, time period, and color. We do not ship or sell costumes.

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Incredible Numbers

Number of Clients

Costumes are rented to individuals and organizations within and without of the Watertown community, allowing us to minister to many clients.

Number of Productions

A typical semester at MBU has a number of different productions. To date, we have created costumes for 32 productions, allowing our stock to be extensive.

Number of Costumes

With student productions and University productions combined, the Costume Cottage has acquired over 18,000 costumes and accessories.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, that our website cannot answer, please call or e-mail us with your questions - we'll be happy to answer them!


Look through our extensive stock to see if we have what you're looking for. You can use the search bar, or you can browse by category in the store.