Madrigal Releases CD in Preparation for Spring Tour

Maranatha Baptist University recently released their newest album, Not My Own, which is conveniently available on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. Not My Own features MBU’s Madrigal and Handbell Choir and includes their men’s ensemble, handbell choir, and full choir accompanied by various instrumentations.

Craig Courtney’s tender setting of Image of God and his compelling anthem I Am Not My Own are the most popular tracks on the album amongst listeners and Madrigal members. Madrigal president Seth Gillespie says of Image of God, “It is a really comforting song—one that points us to continually dwell on the fact that God created each one of us for a very specific plan.”

“The entire focus of the CD is the power of God and the incredible sacrifices that Christ made for us,” explains sophomore Peyton Grismore. “This recording touches on who we are in God’s eyes, culminating in the overflowing thought that we cannot in any way argue that selfish living is an option. I am not my own because I belong to Christ!”

Producing CDs such as Not My Own enables Maranatha’s choirs to continue being a blessing long after their tour ends. “People want something that very night they hear you sing,” Madrigal’s director Dr. Brown comments. “They want to have a remembrance of you being there. But then long after you are gone, they wear out that CD as it continues to be a blessing to them.”

Not My Own was recorded during Madrigal’s 2017 tour, and they will be hitting the road very soon on this year’s spring tour. During their 2018 tour, churches and schools throughout Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois will hear Madrigal as they minister in song. Madrigal performs packages of both sacred and secular songs for schools in the mornings and then ministers at churches in the evenings with sacred concerts. Churches and schools interested in having an MBU music group in the future are encouraged to fill out a request form.

In addition to the blessing a church receives from hearing God-honoring music, the students’ testimony for Christ can also have a big impact on the families they stay with each night throughout the tour. As the students focus on ministering to others, they in turn receive a blessing. As Dr. Brown puts it, “The kids on the bus with us get cranked about ministry.” Tour shows them that ministry can be fun and strengthens their desire to live a life dedicated to serving God and others.

After a large senior class of Madrigal members graduated this past May, 23 new members were selected through an audition process open to all MBU students. These members eagerly await the upcoming ministry opportunities this semester, both on campus and on tour.

Maranatha looks forward to seeing how the Lord will continue to use the Madrigal and Handbell Choir “to the praise of His Glory.”

Partial Samples from Not My Own: