by Lauren Thomae | Financial Aid
Our world needs good teachers, and even more than that, it needs Christian teachers. All kinds of people have benefited from a teacher in their lives. If you’ve decided on a major in the education department, that’s great! While Maranatha offers many...
by Lauren Thomae | Financial Aid
Do you feel called into a ministry position? Whether you think that God wants you to be a pastor, missionary, or counselor, Maranatha has some great ministry majors that can equip you for whatever vocation you choose. Maranatha’s passion is to enable leaders for...
by Lauren Thomae | Student Interests
There are so many things that give you worry and stress when you’re in college. You have classes, exams, sports, music lessons, work, and you also need to sleep! Being able to pay for college should not be one of those worries. One way you can help ease the stress of...