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Advance To College


You chose a Christian school for your children because you value a quality education, godly teachers, and a caring environment. As an added benefit, your high school student can participate in MBU’s Advance to College programa dual enrollment option offered right at their Christian high school.

Advance to College is a collaborative program that gives high school students an opportunity to complete courses for college credit. Dual credit is offered for high school courses, supporting students as they transition to higher education.

$99 per

$99 per

on college tuition +
GET AHEAD on a college degree


Courses fulfill both high school and college requirements.

Credits are awarded
by Maranatha
Baptist University.

All courses use
Maranatha Baptist
University curriculum.

AtC FAQS for

Who is eligible to enroll in Advance to College courses?

ATC courses are open to high school juniors and seniors.
Eligibility is determined by a student’s high school administration.

Who teaches Advance to College courses?
ATC courses follow MBU curriculum and are taught by qualified teachers from your student’s Christian high school.
ATC faculty must have a master’s degree in the subject area or a master’s + 18 hours of graduate credits in the subject area.
Are Advance to College courses accredited?
ATC courses are offered by MBU and accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
MBU credits transfer to many colleges and universities nationwide.
How do I pay for Advance to College courses and earn credits?
The ATC school collects a student’s Request for Credit form and course payment.
The ATC school submits all Request for Credit forms, payments, and final grades to MBU.
What if our high school can't offer Advance to College?
High school juniors and seniors may enroll independently in online MBU courses.
Dual enrollment courses are offered online and virtually (real time).
Dual enrollment courses cost only $175 per credit hour.

MBU is a institutionally accredited Christian university.

MBU is a institutionally accredited Christian university.


Support Christian high schools seeking dual enrollment college courses taught from a Christian worldview

Provide an affordable dual enrollment option that is competitive with community colleges

Create a quality learning opportunity that supports students as they transition to higher education

AtC FAQS for

Who teaches Advance to College courses?
ATC courses are taught by qualified teachers from your Christian high school.
ATC faculty must have a master’s degree in the subject area or a master’s + 18 hours of graduate credits in the subject area.
What does a high school need to do to offer Advance to College courses?
ATC schools must meet MBU approval to be part of the ATC program.
ATC schools must sign an articulation agreement as evidence of a formal cooperation between the school and MBU.
How do parents pay for Advance to College courses and earn credits?
The ATC school collects a student’s Request for Credit form and course payment.
The ATC school submits all Request for Credit forms, payments, and final grades to MBU.

Let’s Go Further,
Faster. Together!